New Resource: STI Card Game from Inform You
Posted on: May 23, 2016
This guest blog is from Emma at Inform You who have recently launched a new card game for discussing STI’s with young people.
I am writing this blog to introduce our new Sexual Health Education Resource, The STI Card Game. I believe it’s important that the history of the game is explained, I have work as a youth worker starting in 1998 for over a decade, during this time and as part of my youth work qualifications the STI game was designed. The STI Card Game is designed, in conjunction with young people, to raise young people’s awareness of sexually transmitted infections and their symptoms and encourage safer sex and testing. The game aids communication between educators and young people by enhancing education with play. It was a very simple but affective game.
Trials took place at a local youth club and an East Midlands Community College, feedback was very positive from both staff and students.
Funding was secured to produce the game, on a budget. The game was featured in Young People Now magazine in their “just out” section and was accepted on to the UK Health Education Authorities – Health Related Resource Database. Initial sales went well but unfortunately not long after initial trading started, the title Sexually Transmitted Diseases was changed to Sexually Transmitted Infections by the Health Authority and I was told that they could no longer promote the game as it stood. The STD Card game was no long fit for purpose and sales stopped.
In 2016, Informyou was formed, rebranding has taken place. Now officially accredited by The Information Standards (NHS) and launched for distribution globally, the pack consists of playing cards, instructions and an information booklet.
Visit the website www.informyou.co.uk