Discussion Starters
This resource has been put together with the aim of helping you start a discussion with young people. The age suitability of the discussion starters depends on the particular discussion starter and group that you have.
These could be used as part of a lunchtime club, as a ‘God slot’ in a youth club or even as an introduction to a longer session on a particular topic. Each discussion starter also has a suggested bible passage/story if you’d like to expand on it more).
We are still adding to these so keep checking back for new topics!
Choose a topic
- Affirmation (What Do You Believe?)
- Body Image (Gingerbread Decorating)
- Christmas (Christmas Jumpers)
- Discrimination/Judging (Skittles)
- Halloween
- Perseverance (Pen Behind The Ear)
- Perspectives
- Poverty (Cards Against Humanity)
- Sex
- Surprises (Chocolate: Heroes/Celebrations)
- Top Trumps (Strengths & Weaknesses)
- Tumbling Down (Jenga)
- White Lies