Vacancy – Children & Families Worker – Bournemouth
Posted on: July 10, 2018
Cornerstone Church
Cornerstone Church, Holloway Avenue, Bournemouth BH11 9JR
Registered Charity No 1163367
Vacancy for a Children & Families’ Worker
15 hours per week
£10.50 per hour and an opportunity to join the Baptist Union Pension Scheme
Paid holiday entitlement will be the part-time equivalent of three working weeks during the six-month initial contract period
Key responsibilities will be as follows:
Organising and supervising activities for two young people’s clubs on Friday evenings during term time (5.45pm – 9.45pm)
Taking responsibility for planning programmes of activities in conjunction with other leaders for the Friday clubs and seeking to develop those who work to support the groups through planning and training sessions.
Mega Club (7 – 11 age range), Youth Club (11 – 16 target age range)
Being part of the worshipping community which meets on Sunday to provide contact and continuity for young people, particularly those Sundays when a Family Service or Messy Church is planned.
Looking to develop and build links with young people and their families, as well as supporting the wider ministry of Cornerstone Church (Baptist)
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If you are interested in applying or require further information, please contact Mary James, Church Secretary
marywjames@uwclub.net/ 07732 220098 / 01202 546025