Hot Potato With A Twist – Slightly Messy
You need spoons or forks for everyone participating, something gross to eat (baby food, Vienna sausages in a can or
something that can be easily passed, yet not gladly eaten).
The concept is the same as Hot Potato. When the high energy music starts you pass your object. When the music stops the
person(s) with the object(s) must take a spoon/fork full.
Try to have them do this as quickly as possible, so you don’t loose the momentum of the game. Start the music back up
and go again. The amount of objects you have circulating should correspond with the amount of participants (i.e. 50 – 100
teens to 5 – 10 bottles of baby food circulating). Participants should be either sitting on the floor or in chairs in a circle.
Have paper towels on hand for messes.