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Youth Work Resources

Here you will find a selection of websites which provide useful resources to aid your youth work, most of these contain a selection of games, session plans and talks for you to use

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My Fish Bites – Really useful youth work resource website, including games, talks, sessions and shorter studies…well worth a look

Youth Pastor – Well established youth work website containing thousands of games of all varieties, ideas for youth group names plus much more

The Source 4 Youth Ministry – A website containing games, talks, film clip based talks and much more to help you with your youth work in church – some good stuff here

Youth Work Magazine – The website of the UK’s Christian Youth Work magazine contains resources, forums, items from the magazine, youth work jobs and more

Youth Ideas – A selection of very good ready-to-use meeting guides

Schools Live – Schools work resources from Scripture Union…plenty of material here! – A new resource with a Christian Ethos dedicated to supporting the issue of self harm. – advice, resources and support with preparing young people for university and connecting them to churches when they leave home. NB The Trainer Pack resource!!

Bible UnpackedA selection of free resources for unpacking the bible which can be used for youth groups or adult groups.

FestiveFestive provide free resources for Christian Unions aimed at supporting students in Sixth Form to live passionately for Jesus.

Schools provides a whole host of free and paid for resources for schools ministry. Well worth a look

Mustard Seed Games – Mustard Seed games produce a range of bible related games which can be used in a school or church setting and also have been knowing to work well with those with learning difficulties.

Youth Leaders Academy – A Netherlands based youth work resource website with a blog.

Youth Ministry 101 – A list of 101 great youth work/ministry sites.

Learn To Listen – A great selection of resources for listening to children and young people’s

Energize – A subscription based resource from Urban Saints covering both children’s and youth work. An incredibly good resource which is easily customisable and allows you to add multiple leaders to an account.

YFC Resources – A subscription based resources site from Youth for Christ with access to their Lumen, Rock Solid and Mettle resources.

Kleer Series – A series of short videos aimed at helping young people begin to explore faith & the questions of life.

Nooma – A series of short films from Rob Bell which explore a variety of issues and come with discussion booklets.

Youth Alpha – A series of short films with questions which help young people explore the basics of Christianity.

Disrespect Nobody – A series of resources from the UK Home Office on Sexting, Relationship Abuse, Consent, Rape and Porn. Some session plans to accompany this can be found here.

Going4Growth – All sorts of useful information around work with children and young people can be found on the Going4Growth website.