Isle of Wight YFC Training
Want to train in youthwork but don’t have the opportunity or know quite where to go? Lack experience and want to work alongside a growing enthusiastic team?
Isle of Wight Youth For Christ are seeking more people to join their Youthwork Training Programme (YTP). Successful applicants volunteer with IOW YFC, partner with local churches and study at near-by Moorlands College on their excellent placement based course.
Train alongside YFC’s exciting ministry on this amazing island by joining the three-year training programme which offers 20hrs/wk youthwork experience and the opportunity to study for a JNC endorsed, accredited degree (BA Hons) in Applied Theology and Youth & Community Work. A placement church (or group of churches) provides accommodation and food with a “host family”, pays your travel expenses whilst volunteering and contributes £2300 per year towards your Moorlands Fees.
For more info and an application form contact Simon King on 07800 973019 or simonking.yfc@hotmail.co.uk
We also offer a 1 year Foundation programme (also with Moorlands) for those without degree entry qualifications.
See our short film about the Training Programme at http://www.iowyfc.co.uk/#!ytp/c23hr
Further details about Moorlands can be found at www.moorlands.ac.uk