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Money, Money, Money

A session exploring money, how we deal with it, what the bible says and how we can use it wisely

Suitable For Ages 11 upwards

Required: talk trigger video from, money sheets and powerpoint (attached), pens, paper and bibles

Extra Files Needed (i.e. worksheets etc): Money Balance Sheets | Money Guessing Game Powerpoint – click to download

Session Plan
Money, money, money (Christmas)

Intro Video:
OSBD – Christmas Video – Barry Bling asks people what they want for Christmas. (Available from under talk trigger videos and Christmas)

What do you want for Christmas?

So what does Christmas actually mean to you?

Over the next week or so people will be spending money they don’t have, getting into debt and worrying about money as Christmas approaches, but tonight we’re going to have a look at what the bible says about money and how we should treat it.

What do you think God’s purpose for money is?

Luke 21:1 – 4: The Widows offering
What does this story teach us about money?
What stops us giving generously like the widow?
How should we apply this story to our everyday lives?
What do you think about tithing?/ Why do you think we should?

Price Guessing Game:
You will require the powerpoint attached to this resource to play this game, answers below
Baked Beans – 47p
Andrex – £1.81
Plasma TV – £1000
Car – Audi A4 3l – £8995
African Child
Your Mum

Not all things have a money value, but all things have priorities in our lives, usually the things we value the most we can’t label with a price easily.

Bible The Rich Young Man Story – Matthew 19 Verse 16-30

Ask: What do you think the story means?
Do you think Jesus literally means for Christians to go and sell all their stuff?
What are your priorities?

Ask: Do you think money is a bad thing?

Read: 1 Timothy 6: 9-10

Explain: Money itself isn’t a bad thing, like many things it’s what you do with it and where it comes in your life in relation to God.

Bible: Treasure In Heaven Read: Matthew 6:19-24
Ask the group what they think it means


Rather than getting obsessed with money, the Bible talks about using our money wisely, giving, tithing but not because it’s something that we’re expected to do but because we want to Paul says this in 2 Corinthians 9:6 – 7

”Remember this: the person who plants a little will have a small harvest, but the person who plants a lot will have a big harvest. Each one should give as he has decided in his heart to give. You should not be sad when you give, and you should not give because you feel forced to give. God loves the person who gives happily.”

balance Sheets Hand the group the attached balance sheets and say…
I’d like you to write down you income, and how you spend it…
Take that home and think about it… There are some bible readings on the back for you too read if you want to…

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