Sharing Faith (2)
Items needed: bibles, pen, paper, cards
Introduction: Ask the group how they found out about Christianity?
Explain: Most of us found out about Christianity because somebody told us, it might have been our parents, it might have been a friend, it might have even been someone random on an internet forum but we are all here as a result of two things:
Firstly we are here because someone was praying for us to become a Christian/take interest in God, whether you’d call yourself a Christian or not someone is praying for you to continue in your journey with God.
Secondly you are here because somebody told you about Christianity or because they invited you to a group like doodles.
Video Clip: The Simpsons: Faith Off (From the beginning of Brother Faith’s revival to the end of Bart’s)
Ask: How did Bart share his new found faith? (With his own revival, telling people the story)
How do you think he got people along to his event? (Inviting people)
Explain: A lot of the time people come to church because they are invited by someone they know, people become interested in church by hearing our stories, by hearing the exciting things that go on and that’s what youth group socials are all about, they’re about helping you to invite friends to church events, helping you to share your faith.
Here is a good chance to encourage young people along to your group…perhaps you could get them to think of socials they could bring their friends to!
It’s just down to you to tell your friends!
Bible: Acts 5:12-17 Luke 19: 1-11
Ask: In those passages how to we see people sharing their faith?
Ask: Have you ever invited someone to church/doodles/survival? Did it work? how did it make you feel?
Explain: When we invite people to events we should be praying for them prior to and after asking them, even if they don’t accept our invitation then we need to remember that God is in control and that if we keep praying for them, showing them God in our lives and through the way we act then the seeds we sew may eventually be made into something in the future.
Testimony: Ask a leader to share a testimony
Response & Prayer
Explain: Tonight I’m going to ask all of you to think of someone you’d like to come to youth group and/or become a Christian, we’ll hand out some cards which you can fill in for that person then I’d like you to get into two’s, discuss that person you’ve written down and why and then spend a few minutes praying for them.
Close with prayer