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Shine Like Stars

A session thinking about how we should be different for Christ

Suitable For Ages 11 upwards

Required: foil, scissors, card, pens, paper, glue, bibles, toilet roll, tape, Matt Redman – Beautiful News CD

Extra Files Needed (i.e. worksheets etc): No Files Needed – click to download

Session Plan

Ice Breaker: The Toilet Roll Icebreaker
Pass a toilet roll around asking each individual to take the amount they would use for a number 2, then for each piece they must say something about themselves (don’t tell them the second part until toilet roll has been taken)
Introduction: This morning we’re going to look at living out faith.

Read Philippians 2:15

Stars – young people are asked to make stars and on them write something they’ve done to shine for Jesus recently.

Read Acts 2

Get the group to discuss what it means to live out faith, think about the passages, discuss ways to show shine, and things people do for them etc etc. (Try and draw Acts 2 into this)

Play Shine by Matt Redman (Taken from the album Beautiful nEWS) and invite the young people to respond by sticking their star onto the wall.

This session relies quite heavily on discussion so depending on your group you may need to make the strucutre more rigid

There is a shorter version of this session in the God-slot area